Gamification and Challenges

Weekly Hacking Challenges

The following table consist of the hacking challenges arranged by Teen Hackers’ Academy for the next weeks:

WeekChallengeFocus AreaObjective/GoalTools/Resources
1Reconnaissance & Information GatheringWeb Security & OSINTPerform reconnaissance on a target website or server to gather open-source information and footprints.Nmap, WHOIS, Google Dorking, Maltego, Shodan
2Basic Network ScanningNetwork SecurityUse network scanning tools to map a target network, identify open ports, and find vulnerable services.Nmap, Zenmap, Angry IP Scanner
3Password CrackingCryptography & AuthenticationPractice cracking hashed passwords using dictionaries and brute-force techniques.John the Ripper, Hashcat, RockYou wordlist
4Web Application Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection)Web Application SecurityIdentify and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities in a test website or web app.SQLMap, DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web App), bWAPP
5Social Engineering SimulationSocial EngineeringCraft a phishing email or simulate a social engineering attack to understand human vulnerabilities.SET (Social Engineer Toolkit), GoPhish
6Exploiting Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)Web Application SecurityPerform XSS attacks on a vulnerable test website to execute scripts in the browser.Burp Suite, OWASP Juice Shop, DVWA
7Privilege Escalation on LinuxSystem SecurityGain root access by escalating privileges on a vulnerable Linux machine.Metasploit, TryHackMe, HackTheBox
8Wireless Network HackingWireless SecurityCapture and crack WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi passwords using packet sniffing and brute force.Aircrack-ng, Wireshark, Kismet
9Buffer Overflow ExploitationSystem ExploitationWrite and execute a buffer overflow exploit to take control of a vulnerable application.Immunity Debugger, GDB, Metasploit
10Capture The Flag (CTF) ChallengeGeneral Penetration TestingParticipate in a beginner-level CTF challenge to solve cybersecurity puzzles and find hidden flags.CTF platforms (, PicoCTF, HackTheBox)
11Cryptography & EncodingCryptographySolve cryptographic challenges and decode/encode messages in different formats (Base64, Caesar cipher).CyberChef, Cryptool, Python
12Bypassing Firewalls & IDSNetwork SecurityTest methods to bypass firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS).Nmap, Wireshark, Snort, Metasploit
13Malware Analysis (Static & Dynamic)Malware AnalysisAnalyze malware behavior by running it in a sandbox environment and inspecting its code.Cuckoo Sandbox, IDA Pro, OllyDbg, VirusTotal
14Web Application Vulnerabilities (CSRF)Web Application SecurityExploit a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability on a vulnerable web app.OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite, OWASP WebGoat
15Ransomware SimulationMalware DevelopmentSimulate a ransomware attack in a controlled environment and create decryption mechanisms.Python, PowerShell, VirtualBox
16Reverse EngineeringSoftware ExploitationReverse engineer a binary to understand its functionality or remove a software protection mechanism.Ghidra, IDA Free, Binary Ninja, Radare2
17Web Shell UploadWeb ExploitationUpload a web shell to a vulnerable server and use it to gain remote access.PentestMonkey web shell, Burp Suite, Kali Linux
18IoT Device HackingInternet of Things (IoT)Penetrate a smart home device or IoT network to test for vulnerabilities.Wireshark, Shodan, Metasploit, Firmware Analysis Tools
19Binary Exploitation (ROP Chains)System SecurityWrite Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) chains to exploit a vulnerable binary.Pwntools, GDB, ROPgadget
20File Upload Vulnerability TestingWeb Application SecurityExploit insecure file upload functionality on a website to upload malicious files.Burp Suite, OWASP Juice Shop, Metasploit
21Code InjectionWeb Application SecurityInject code (e.g., PHP or Python) into a vulnerable application and execute remote commands.Burp Suite, DVWA, bWAPP
22Steganography ChallengeInformation HidingFind and extract hidden information from image, audio, or video files using steganography techniques.Steghide, Binwalk, StegoSolver
23Active Directory HackingNetwork SecurityBreak into and escalate privileges in an Active Directory environment.BloodHound, PowerView, Mimikatz, CrackMapExec
24Mobile Application HackingMobile SecurityPerform security tests on Android or iOS applications to find vulnerabilities.APKTool, Frida, MobSF, Drozer
25DNS Spoofing & PoisoningNetwork ExploitationCarry out DNS spoofing attacks to redirect traffic to a malicious website or server.Ettercap, DNSChef, dnsspoof
26Log Analysis & Incident ResponseForensicsAnalyze log files to identify signs of an attack and create an incident response report.Kibana, Splunk, ELK Stack, Wireshark

Earn Achievement and Recognition


A leaderboard award for hacking challenges typically recognizes the top performers in a hacking competition or challenge series. These awards encourage participants to compete and excel in solving challenges, identifying vulnerabilities, or exploiting systems in a controlled, ethical manner. Leaderboards are often used in Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions, bug bounty programs, or weekly/monthly cybersecurity challenges.

Leaderboard SystemRanks participants based on points earned by solving challenges, with real-time updates. Speed and accuracy are key.
Points SystemPoints awarded based on challenge difficulty: Easy (10-50 points), Medium (50-100 points), Hard (100-500 points).
Awards for Top RanksCash prizes, trophies, certificates, internships, scholarships, or exclusive swag for top 3 or top performers.
Special AwardsCategories like Fastest Solver, Best Exploit, and Most Challenges Completed.
Participation AwardsSome competitions offer participation certificates or small rewards for completing a minimum number of challenges.
Rank CriteriaParticipants are ranked based on points, number of challenges solved, and completion time as a tiebreaker.
MotivationEncourages competition and engagement, helping participants improve their skills while aiming for higher rankings.
Competitions with LeaderboardsCapture The Flag (CTF), bug bounty programs (HackerOne, Bugcrowd), cybersecurity hackathons.

Hack of the week

The “Hack of the Week” Challenge is a weekly hacking competition or challenge series designed to help participants enhance their hacking and cybersecurity skills in a structured, time-bound environment. Each week, a new challenge is presented, focusing on different hacking techniques, vulnerabilities, or cybersecurity tasks. Participants are encouraged to solve the challenge within the week to earn points or rewards.

Challenge FrequencyWeekly challenges, each focusing on a new hacking or cybersecurity topic.
Skill DevelopmentPractical skills in web security, cryptography, system exploitation, malware analysis, etc.
Difficulty LevelsChallenges available for beginner, intermediate, and advanced participants.
Time LimitOne week to solve each challenge, encouraging quick problem-solving.
LeaderboardTracks participants’ scores, ranking them based on points earned for challenge completion.
Awards & RecognitionWeekly or cumulative awards (e.g., certificates, digital badges, prizes) for top-performing hackers.
Learning ResourcesWrite-ups or solutions provided post-challenge to help participants learn from mistakes.
Community EngagementEncourages collaboration and discussions in forums or chat groups to share ideas and solutions.
Challenge ExamplesWeb app exploitation, password cracking, privilege escalation, network sniffing, etc.

Interactive Hacking Quizzes

Interactive hacking quizzes are digital tools or platforms designed to test and enhance participants’ knowledge of cybersecurity and hacking concepts through engaging, scenario-based questions. These quizzes offer a hands-on learning experience where users are challenged to solve problems or answer questions based on real-world hacking techniques, vulnerabilities, or defense mechanisms.